What is Fair Trade? Fair Trade Principle 9: Promote Fair Trade

Blog What is Fair Trade Principle 9: Promote Fair Trade | All of the Good Things

What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade Principle 9: Promote Fair Trade

The organisation raises awareness of the aim of Fair Trade and of the need for greater justice in world trade through Fair Trade. It advocates for the objectives and activities of Fair Trade according to the scope of the organisation.

Promote Fair Trade

Promoting Fair Trade and the principles it stands for, are key to the ongoing success of the movement. If no one knows what Fair Trade is, there is no incentive to buy Fair Trade products or continue to build Fair Trade businesses.

Fair Trade businesses generally do not need much encouragement to spread the word about Fair Trade. Being a part of the movement means that businesses are first hand experiencing the benefits of the model.  Fair Trade enterprises are proud to be a part of this global community.

Global Community

Being a fair trade business or a supporter of the Fair Trade movement, is not just about running a business to the Fair Trade principles. It is about being part of a vibrant global community of businesses and advocates who are working together to alleviate poverty through trade.

The World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) runs global campaigns in support of like-minded causes such as International Women’s Day and Fashion Revolution Week. In additional, World Fair Trade Day is the 2nd Saturday in May each year, and is a great celebration of all things Fair Trade.

Get Involved

You can support the movement in many ways:

All of the Good Things Supports Fair Trade

Our philosophy is first and foremost, to do no harm to people or the planet.  Then we choose to do what we can to have a positive impact.  That’s when we get the really good feels. Then we know we are nudging the dial towards a world full of optimism, joy and fun for everyone.  

Our first choice is to source from Fair Trade suppliers wherever possible.

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